I enjoyed my rest day in Utrecht especially as it was nice without overwhelming heat. I neglected sunscreen but the sun was often veiled so I didn’t get a sunburn. On my digital map I saw a castle about four kilometres away so after my breakfast I set out to find the castle. What I found is a country house with what seems to have been the site of four forts to protect the city. The site was very ideal for a castle with streams, trees and a multitude of trails right next to a highway and railway. I went back to the city centre where I had a brown Brand beer with a healthy salad (quinoa, avocado, smoked chicken…). I then made the discovery of Griftpark or I found a way to eat again with this shot a radler. For the evening, I wanted to spoil myself going to a well-rated restaurant but without reservation on a Friday night it proved an impossible mission. On the other hand, I found a small brewery where I was filled. Smoked salmon starter with a blond Leffe, roasted lamb with fries and homemade mayonnaise and a glass of Rioja and to finish a dessert wine from South Africa.  Here are my pictures of the day with the lamb to begin with and excluding my photos of graffiti that are the subject of a separate album.

This morning I’m off to Breda, then Sunday Antwerp. On Monday I should reach Brussels from where I will prepare my return on Wednesday. So I abandon my plan to go to Amsterdam, too expensive and I do not want to make a transfer of flight to Toronto … Here’s a link to my Graffiti album from Utrech.


Note on bikes in the Netherlands. Already in northern Germany I have seen a phenomenal increase in the number of bikes in circulation. The good news is that the roads are designed to accommodate them and there is little chance of getting stuck on a road with motor vehicles with the exception of Utrech. In addition, motor vehicle drivers are very respectful plys and easily give way to velis. The problem is that there is no longer a sense of danger and cyclists behave regardless of pedestrians and their own safety. Helmets are virtually zero and cyclists often ride with headphones. I would be curious to see if the frequency of accidents is high compared to Quebec.

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