June 29th 2019

A beautiful day for cycling cool for most of the day. Nice roads with spectacular views. The only caveat is that following the route mapped out by maps.me was time consuming and tiresome as I had to check my phone continously to ensure I was on the correct road. Another drawback was that since I was following small roads, there were no restaurants on the way. Good news is that I did not run out of water as you tend to drink less when it’s not hot. Luckily, I had a few cycling candies packed with sugars and minerals to keep me going. When I arrived in Kutna Hora I stopped at the first restaurant and had penne with salmon and a non alcoholic beer flavored with lemon which tasted awful! After sustaining myself, I found a nice 4 star hotel (Hotel Zlatá Stoupa) for 40 Euros with air conditionning…

Here is the route I followed on Strava and a few pictures taken enroute.

The young man at the hotel reception made a brilliant recommendation for a famous restaurant, the Restaurance Dačický. I was lucky enough to get a place to sit in the back yard which has a view to the several medieval towers, a children’s parc with swings, water bols for dogs etc. creating a convevial environment. As a couple of the photos below witll demonstrate, the menu was also very appealing. The pictures are nice not only because the town is magnificient but also because most of my shots were done during the magic hour.

The town of Kutna Hora has quite a history with a lot of action from the 14th to the 19th century. It was involved in the religious wars and apparently ressembled the far west stories during the gold rush, except that for Kutna Hora, the fever was for silver. The town was a major source of income for Prague for a long period. See the following site for more details: https://destinace.kutnahora.cz/d?lang=2

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